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Edit a Template

You can edit templates that you have created. If you would like to modify a template created by another user in your clinic, you should clone the template and make your modifications to the new version.

Deleting Exercises or Renaming the Template

  1. Locate the template you want to adjust in the Templates section and open the ... menu

  2. Next, click the Edit icon. 
  3. A bar will appear across the bottom of the screen. Here you can rename the template or delete items.
  4. Use the ^ icon to expand this view and use the Save button to make your updates.

Adding Exercises to Templates

To add exercises directly to existing templates follow the steps below. Note: Only users who created a template may edit or add exercises to that template.

  1. Navigate to the Exercises tab.
  2. Use the Search Bar to locate the exercise(s) you want to add to the template.
  3. Click on the (...) in the upper right corner of that exercise card to view exercise options. 
  4. Next, select the folder icon to Add to Template.
  5. Select the desired template from the dropdown menu, then click Save to Template
  6. You will see a confirmation notification in the lower left corner of the screen, and the exercise will now be included in the existing template.           
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