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Create a New Patient Profile

This article only applies to users who are not integrated with the WebPT EMR. To manually add a patient into HEP:

  1. Click the Find a Patient search bar located on the top of the screen.
  2. Then, select Add New Patient at the bottom of the drop-down menu. 

  3. Next, enter the patient's information. All attributes marked with an * are required. Important: The Patient ID # field must match the ID that was assigned to the patient in your EMR. This ensures data is accurately reflected. Don't forget to switch to the More Details tab to enter additional information.

  4. When complete, click Add Patient.

To find your newly added patient, search for the patient's name in the Find a Patient search bar.

Remember, the patient will not receive an invite to the Patient Portal until a Care Plan has been finalized for them. To spark interest in the Patient Portal, feel free to provide this flyer to your patients.

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